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Salford City FA Cup Programmes now available
Salford City FA Cup Programmes now available
Chorley FC Player LImited Edition Trading Cards

Chorley FC Player LImited Edition Trading Cards

We are pleased to launch a limited edition set of Chorley FC MatchDayCards Player Trading Cards.

The set limited to 150 features 24 players from the 2020-21 season who will go down in club history for the great FA Cup giant killing run.

Three other promo cards were given out free with the print version of the Chorley FC programme. These included the Manager Jamie Vermiglio which was in the Derby County FA Cup programme, Derby County match celebration Card with the Wolverhampton Wanderers FA Cup Programme and kit man Ban Kay card came with the York City league programme.

The Player set can be seen here

Chorley FC v Derby County FA Cup Programme

Chorley FC v Wolverhampton Wanderers FA Cup Programme

Chorley FC v York City League Programme

Chorley FC Matchdaycards Player Trading Cards
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